Dr. Robert Zores

Dr Robert Zores has been CTO of the newly founded REWE Digital GmbH in Cologne since 2014. As a physicist, mathematician and computer scientist, he has many years of experience in the development of new technologies, particularly in the IT environment. After a career in the aerospace industry, he took on responsibility as an architect […]

Dr. Manfred Krafft

Manfred Krafft is director of the Institute of Marketing and full professor at University of Muenster, Germany. He also holds an honorary professorship at The University of Auckland, New Zealand. Prior to his current position, Manfred was the Otto Beisheim Endowed Chair of Marketing at WHU. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Kiel, […]

Sonja Moosburger

“From intelligent supply chains to innovative food service concepts and digital ordering platforms. RETAIL NXT offers the ideal setting to network with like-minded people.”

Sonja Moosburger

Von intelligenten Lieferketten über innovative Food-Service-Konzepte bis hin zu digitalen Bestellplattformen. Die RETAIL NXT bietet den idealen Rahmen, um sich mit Gleichgesinnten zu vernetzen.

Dr. Ulrich Hanfeld

Phygital (physical + digital) is the new formula and the use of new technologies is thus the decisive design parameter for Retail 3.0.

Organic Garden

As a food tech company, we benefit enormously from sharing the latest developments in retail technology. From smart supply chains to innovative foodservice concepts and digital ordering platforms. RETAIL NXT provides the ideal setting to network with peers, learn from experts and drive the future of (food) retail together.

2nd home

The retail industry is experiencing more upheaval than ever before. The two-year tailwind for e-commerce retailers is over and mediocre concepts are being challenged. Sustainable retail concepts and continuous transformation along customer needs are crucial. Culture, empathy, data, technology and AI play a fundamental role.


At a time when people are becoming channel agnostic, businesses need to be too. Digital technologies must create value for businesses and customers in the same way that e-commerce can learn from the physical experience. Omnichannel must finally reach the masses – innovation and technology are the keys. RETAIL NXT is the place to be […]

AstorMüller AG

Retail NXT will establish itself on the German retail technology scene with its innovative approach, showcasing forward-looking solutions and providing a platform for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).